Providing world changing opportunities

Mission Possible International (MPI)

Creates life-changing experiences through hands on short-term mission trips.

Since 1996, MPI has created and carried out mission trips for individuals, youth groups, and churches.

We offer a local outreach, which can be to New Orleans or in your home state.  To gain a cross cultural experience, we offer a mission trip to the Caribbean. To take you out of the western culture, MPI also offers international mission trips.  Places we have been in the past include Mexico, South Africa, and Scotland.

Our biblical mandate is Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  This creates a ripple effect both in discipling and evangelizing young people.

MPI Leaders and Staff actively participate in all of the outreaches and the design of the trip.  MPI serves through coordinating everything such as creating the schedule, setting up the ministry, arranging transportation, meals, being on the grounds with the team, and debriefing.  From the big things to the little things, MPI can handle every detail!


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Director and Pastor Bob Ogle

It was in 1972 when Rev. Robert F. Ogle first answered the call of God and attended bible school in New Jersey. It was there he met Cheryl Johnson and they were married in 1975.
          Upon completion of their biblical studies Bob and Cheryl chose to follow God's leading to the mission field. The next 17 years was a whirlwind of having three children of their own, while reaching out to the "least of these" all over the world. Bob became the Caribbean/Central American director for Youth With A Mission while Cheryl taught school to her children and others.
        The Ogles left the mission field in 1989 and moved to Lafayette in 1990. Bob took his first pastoral positon and was ordianed in 1996.  In 2007, Bob accepted the call to become the Pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church. that church has now successfully merged with another church and is now Trinity Anglican. Though he left the mission field full time, Bob  continues to offer many short term mission trips through MPI.  Bob has a passion for teaching. He is a gifted communicator, who speaks the truth plainly. God has given Bob a vision and a passion for helping people meet Jesus both across the street and across the world. 

Frequently asked questions:

What makes MPI unique from other mission trip groups?

Years of Experience- Our director Bob and his wife Cheryl have over 18 years of experience on the mission field full time and over 20 years of leading short term trips.

Active Participation- All our leaders and staff are participating in every single aspect of the trip. We don’t just plan; we continue to be by your side throughout the entire trip.

Relationships- We believe in building and maintaining strong relationships with both the communities we are ministering to as well as with each other on the team.

Hands on Approach- All of our outreaches are hands on. Each individual is involved in each outreach whether it be Children's ministry camps, service projects, sports camps, youth retreats, etc.

Customize- Every aspect of our mission trips are designed with you and/or your group in mind. We take care of all the details so you can have an incredible time of ministry and connection with your team and those you are helping to serve.

What is a typical MPI trip like?

We’ve partnered with churches and ministries that are already established and are rooted in the countries we serve. As you’re reading this, these ministries are passionately serving and loving their neighbors, working to meet physical and spiritual needs in Jesus’ name. When we arrive, we come alongside their efforts for long-lasting impact. Types of work vary based on location, so here are a few examples of what you could be doing:

*Children’s VBS outreach

*Minor construction repairs to buildings

*Sports camps for local teenagers

*Service projects

*Community block parties for outreach

*and so much more

We also make it a point to carve out some time to enjoy the location we are serving in and spend time together as a team.

What is the cost of a MPI trip?

The cost per trip varies by the location we go to, but usually include air fare and a grounds fee.

Do I need a Passport?

.Although some of the locations may not require one, we highly recommend getting one because all our internationals trips do require a passport
